1. Lobsters can keep growing forever
Some research suggest that lobsters keep growing like forever, however the experts cannot tell how long the lobsters can live since the traps are not designed to catch the largest lobsters.
2. Lobsters eat each other
You can say that lobsters are cannibal because they live by eating fresh foods and they eat what’s around them at the moment. So when they spot another lobster, they will catch and eat it. This is also the reason of why lobsters culture is sometime not profitable because their cannibalistic nature to each other lobsters. It will spend a lot of expenses when they kill and eat each other.
3. Female lobsters like to take the first move
Okay so to breed, the female lobsters will spread some ‘special’ pheromones to attract male lobsters while giving them signals that they are in the mood. It is usually happen right after the female lobsters shed their shells. When the lobsters shed their shells, they are in the most vulnerable state and thus they are in danger because other lobsters might eat them. However, when the female lobster spread their pheromones, most of the male lobsters usually option to mate with them rather than killing them.
4. The lobsters taste with their legs
Some unique lobster facts which probably sound so weird are the fact that the lobsters taste their foods with their legs. Their legs have these chemosensory and feet hairs which they are going to use to identify the foods. If you pay attention, they are some small antennae right on their eyes. This antenna is used to track down the possible foods even when the foods are located far away from them. If you go to a seafood market, you can see that the lobsters are like to flip their legs. Well, it is because they are looking for some foods while also dissolved some substances in water.
Other weird lobster facts are about how they chew their foods and how the lobster teeth are set on their stomach. Their set of teeth is called gastric mill which used to grind and break the foods. This particular system is located behind their eyes with the size of a walnut for average lobsters with 1 pound weight.
6. The lobsters are not usually red before they are cooked
When the red lobster is served on your table, you may think that all the lobsters in the whole world have red color before they are cooked because it is one of their characteristics. However, it is not always like that. For your information, the lobsters before they are cooked can have various colors. Most of the lobsters that caught wildly have greenish brown shells and then they are turns red when the chefs cooked them.
7. Sounds disgusting but, yes! The lobsters are pee out of their faces
Fun facts about lobsters, they are pee out of their faces. This is why it is a good thing that we do not eat their head. Lobsters pees from nephrophores, some openings which located right at the second antennae base. However, lobsters also like to waste their excreta from other places on their body. Actually, excreting is not just about getting rid toxins, but it is also as a part of their mating ritual.
Lobsters have very big claws which they use to crush their foods, protection, and fight. Lobsters tend to have dominant claw, either the left one of the right one. During fight or other circumstances, the lobsters can lose their claw, but for them, it does not a big deal since they can re-grow the claws back. The claw will grow again when they are molting and the molting process can happen several times each year till the lobsters mature. The missing claws will re-growing and the shape and the size are like the original. They also tend to drop their claws if necessary in order to get away from the predators.
And last but not least, this is probably some lobster facts that will make you think different when cooking the lobsters. Okay, so some people avoid cooking lobsters because they think the lobster make a scream noise but it is in fact does not happen. Those sound that you like to hear is not lobsters screaming in pain, but it is just a sound from the air escaping the lobster’s shell.
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